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Thursday, April 24, 2014

How to be Successful

If you want to be a professional athlete, watch as many games on TV as you can. Because we all know that’s how Lebron James became good. Similarly, if you want to major in science, watch as much MythBusters as you can. And if you want to be a lawyer, watch as much Law & Order as you can.

Read every book written by Tony Robbins.

Eat a pinecone every other Tuesday. You’ll thank me later.

Never forget the advice people are posting on Facebook and Twitter.

Avoid sleep the night of a full moon. This is how Neil Armstrong became an astronaut. However, besides those days, sleep in as late as you can. You’re going to be well rested.

All the members of The Beatles tied their left shoe before their right. If it worked for them, it will work for you too.

Albert Einstein washed his hair with Suave conditioner. The ingredients in the Shampoo would secrete into his brain which would make him smarter. I suggest you use the same.

Play more games on your phone. Words With Friends is a great way to network.

Focus entirely on the short-term. It is the most relevant. There is no need to think about the consequences of how something might play out years from now. Who knows if we will even be around then.

Stay inside your comfort zone. It is your comfort zone for a reason. Look at Nelson Mandela. He was imprisoned for trying to do too much.

Don’t worry about communicating with a wide variety of people. Stick to your generation.


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